Collaboration Deep Dive Survey

Qlearsite’s Collaboration Deep Dive will help you understand if you have a collaborative culture and how well your teams and organisation interact – inside or outside of specific teams, and externally.

From this survey, you’ll get a clear view of whether people feel that the organisation works together well, and how collaboration could be better supported:

• This Deep Dive survey provides an overall Collaboration score based positive responses to 12 key questions

• Action planning is supported by sentiment analysis on responses to open text questions

How the survey is scored

This Deep Dive survey addresses four criteria of Collaboration:

  1. Team Levels,
  2. Across Teams,
  3. Informal, and
  4. External

Through inclusion in these four key dimensions, you will be able to enable and empower each other and build to be successful in our roles and to build high-performing teams and a successful business.

Asking 12 questions on a 5-point Likert scale, from strongly agree to strongly disagree, this Deep Dive first finds each survey respondents’ total score. This is based on the proportion of positive answers (‘agree’ and ‘strongly agree’). Combining these scores, the average over all respondents is calculated, deriving the overall Collaboration score.

This survey also contains four open-text questions, to understand and add context to the scores and support your findings.

Introductory Text

In this survey, we’ll ask you about 4 core areas of collaboration - from how collaborative individual teams are, to whether you feel comfortable reaching out to other parts of the business. This will help us understand how collaborative we are as a business and guide our next steps - with the aim of making {our organisation} a better place to work.

Team Levels

A great team functions in a trusting and collaborative environment; one where everyone works well together, and holds each other accountable.

Team levels are quantified in this Deep Dive survey by the following indicators: Trust, Ease, Accountability and an Open Text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Trust In our team, there is trust and we can rely on each other. People feel as though they can trust their colleagues and depend on one another.
Ease Our team collaborates well together. People are able to work efficiently and effectively with members of their team.
Accountability In our team, we hold each other accountable for our actions. Team members take responsibility for their actions as well as hold others within their team accountable.
Open Text What more can be done to build trust within your team? Asked in order to gather top of mind thoughts and ideas of how trust can be improved within teams.

Across Teams

Effective collaborative teams feel supported at work. This means members know who to approach for help, and whether the team is confident that they will get a response quickly.

The Across Teams dimension is composed of the indicators: Accessible, Responsive, Resourceful and an Open Text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Accessible If I need to get support from another team, I can quickly find the right person to help me with my request. People and roles within the organisation are easily identified and accessible.
Responsive When we ask for support, other teams are responsive and provide support in a timely manner. Employees are able to provide timely and effective support to other teams when necessary.
Resourceful My team tries to find a solution first before asking for help from other teams. People are able to utilise immediate resources before seeking help from other teams.
Open Text Please describe how people outside of your team support you in your work. Asked in order to gather real life examples of how employees are able to support those outside of their immediate teams.


Are your team members encouraged to take part in informal collaboration. Do they have opportunities to build their network, so they are comfortable reaching out to other teams when needed?

The Informal dimension is composed of the indicators: Opportunity, Network, Helpful and an Open Text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Opportunity There are opportunities to have informal conversations with people outside of my team. People are able to easily connect and socialise with others outside of their immediate team.
Network I feel comfortable reaching out to other teams for the help I need. People are able to use their network and connections to solve problems if they need the help.
Helpful I typically get the help I need from colleagues outside of my team. Employees from different teams are willing to help and support one another when necessary.
Open Text How could {our organisation} help you better connect with people outside of your team? Asked in order to gather top of mind ideas and thoughts on how to strengthen connections within the organisation.


The External dimension helps identify if your organisation is well connected to external partners and clients. Find out how well your team collaborates with external parties to the benefit your customers and shared communities.

This dimension is composed of the indicators: Outside, Experts, Partnerships and an Open Text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Outside There are opportunities to work with people outside of {our organisation}. This organisation has a wealth of partners and clients from different organisations to work alongside.

We seek help from experts outside of {our organisation} when needed.

This organisation is open to utilising expertise and resources from outside organisations.
Partnerships When {our organisation} works with people externally it is generally successful. This organisation has positive and strong relationships with different organisations that we’ve worked with.
Open Text How could we improve our relationships with other organisations? Asked in order to gather top of mind thoughts on how relationships with other organisations could be strengthened.
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