Customer Deep Dive Survey

Use the Customer Deep Dive survey to understand if you are a customer-centric organisation according to your employees. This deep dive also numerates if customer-first thinking guides the actions your employees take. From this survey, you’ll get a clear view of whether people feel customer needs are met and responded to, and how to make your customers and clients an organisational priority.

When to use this survey

• If another survey showed your Customer score is lower than the industry benchmark

• Before launching a new product or service

• When experiencing low customer satisfaction

• If you have encountered a low Customer Score in your Organisational Fitness matrix

How the survey is scored

This Deep Dive survey addresses four criteria of Customer indicator:

  1. Quality,
  2. Needs,
  3. Value, and
  4. Service.

By listening to your employees along these key dimensions, you will understand if people are set up for success.

Asking 12 questions on a 5-point Likert scale, from strongly agree to strongly disagree, this Deep Dive first finds each survey respondents’ total score. This is based on the proportion of positive answers (‘agree’ and ‘strongly agree’). Accordingly, by combining these scores, the average over all respondents is calculated, deriving the overall Customer score.

This survey also contains four open-text questions, to understand and add context to the scores and support your findings.

Introductory Text

At {our organisation}, we want to understand how well we prioritise the needs of our customers. Do we design great {products/services/solutions} that add value and make sure they receive great service?


The Quality dimension of Customer explores if your employees are you proud of your products/services/solutions. This involves the customer support you deliver, and your reputation. Underlying this are the processes set up to maintain high standards.

The Quality dimension is made up of the indicators: Brand, Processes, Pride and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Brand {Our organisation} has a good reputation amongst {our customers}. Employees believe that the organisation’s brand reputation is highly regarded by customers.
Processes We have strong internal processes to ensure the quality of our {products/services/solutions}. Employees recognise that the organisation sets internal processes to ensure the quality of the {products/services/solutions} developed.
Pride I am proud of the quality of the {products/services/solutions} we develop for {our customers}. Employees are proud of the quality of the {products/services/solutions} provided, and think they should be celebrated.
Open Text What changes (small or large) would you suggest to improve our brand reputation or our product quality? Asked to understand what changes you should make to your {products/services/solutions} or brand, in your employees’ opinion.


The Needs dimension of Customer indicator explores how well your organisation meets customer needs. Is customer feedback carefully considered, with steps taken to respond to their changing needs?

The Needs dimension is made up of the indicators: Needs, Listening, Adapt and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Needs {Our organisation} understands the needs of {our customers}. Employees feel that customer needs are understood by all people within the organisation.

At {our organisation}, we listen carefully to {customer} feedback.

Employees recognise that the organisation listens to its customers.
Adapt We develop our {products/services/solutions} to meet the needs of {our target customers}. Employees believe that the organisation can adapt their {products/services/solutions} to meet the needs of its customers.
Open Text What more can we do to understand {our customers} and to meet their needs. Asked to understand how your organisation can better understand its customers, and respond to their changing needs.


The Value dimension helps determine if your organisation is delivering real value? This metric captures your employees opinions of your products/services/solutions, pricing, and your position in the market.

The Value dimension is made up of the indicators: Value, Competitive, Pricing and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Value We deliver {products/services/solutions} that are valuable to {our customers}. Employees feel that the {products/services/solutions} they are working on are valued by the customer.
Competitive Our {products/services/solutions} deliver more value than our competitors. Employees believe that the organisation is developing {products/services/solutions} that beat the competition in terms of delivering value.
Pricing It is easy for {our customers} to understand our pricing. Employees feel that pricing is understood by the organisation, and its customers.
Open Text What do you think {our customers} value most within our {products/services/solutions}? Asked to understand what your customers like most about your offering, in your employees’ opinion.


The Service dimension helps you understand how your employees talk about customer service. This dimension illustrates how issues are handled, and whether good service is recognised and rewarded in your organisation.

The Service dimension is made up of the indicators: Exceed Expectations, Support, Recognition and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Exceed Expectations Our services often exceed the expectations of {our customers}. Employees believe the organisation focuses on providing excellent service to its customers.
Support {Customer} support issues are dealt with quickly and effectively. Employees believe the organisation has a quick response time to customer product queries.
Recognition We recognise the people in {our organisation} who go the extra mile for {our customers}. Employees feel the organisation values people who exhibit customer-centric thinking in their day-to-day role.
Open Text What more can we do as an organisation to provide better product support or service to {our customers}? Asked to understand what you can do to improve customer support, in your employees’ opinion.
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