Hybrid Working Deep Dive Survey

Use the Hybrid Working Deep Dive survey to understand people’s preferences about where they work, to help determine or assess the effectiveness of your workplace policy.

From this survey, you’ll get a clear view of what’s driving people’s feelings about their preferences for work location and where you can better support them.

When to use this survey

  • Before creating or changing your Hybrid Working policy
  • To see how your current policy is viewed
  • If planning a full return to the office

How the survey is scored

This Deep Dive survey addresses four criteria of Hybrid Working: Health & SafetyEnabledPersonal Needs and Workplace Preference. By listening to your employees along these key dimensions, you will be able to uncover the detailed specifics of innovation-related issues in your organisation.

Asking 12 questions on a 5-point Likert scale, from strongly agree to strongly disagree, this Deep Dive first finds each survey respondents’ total score. This is based on the proportion of positive answers (‘agree’ and ‘strongly agree’). Combining these scores, the average over all respondents is calculated, deriving the overall Hybrid Working score.

This survey also contains four open-text questions, to understand and add context to the scores and support your findings.

Hybrid Working

Hybrid Working indicators

Health & Safety

The Health & Safety dimension allows you to find out about how safe your employees feel returning to the workplace.

The Health & Safety dimension is made up of the indicators: PoliciesTravelEnforcement and an open-text question.

Indicator Question  Rationale
Policies I understand the health and safety guidelines {our organisation} has put in place for us to return to the workplace. Employees are aware of and understand new policy concerning important changes to the workplace.
Travel I would feel safe when travelling to and from my workplace in the future. Employees feel comfortable and safe travelling to and from their workplace.
Enforcement The workplace environment is safe and puts no-one at risk. Employees trust that the workplace is safe to return to.
Open Text What more can {our organisation} do to help you feel safe as you return to the workplace? Asked to understand how the organisation can make the workplace and commute as safe as possible.


The Enabled dimension helps you learn how supported your employees are in their roles and whether they feel there is a difference based on their location of work. 

The Enabled dimension is made up of the indicators: Tools, CollaborationCommunication and an open-text question.

Indicator Question  Rationale
Tools  Our tools, systems and processes are better set up to support me when I am in the workplace. Employees feel that equipment, systems, and tools have been adjusted where necessary to fit with changing work locations.
Collaboration Being back in the workplace will mean our organisation will work better together as an effective team. Employees feel that teams will continue to collaborate effectively, and work as a coherent group to achieve their goals.
Communication I get better communications about goals and priorities when I’m in the workplace. Employees feel that Information flow to teams is not affected by changing work locations.
Open Text What more can we do to enable you in your role as you return to the workplace? Asked to understand what practical things the company can do to support its employees.

Personal Needs

The Personal Needs dimension makes sure that you understand people’s personal concerns and needs as we return to the workplace.

The Physical Wellbeing dimension is made up of the indicators: WellbeingResponsibilityVulnerability and an open-text question.

Indicator Question  Rationale
Wellbeing I think my wellbeing will improve by being back in the workplace more often. Understanding how employees think their wellbeing is impacted by location for work.
Responsibility I am able to return to the workplace and still meet my obligations to provide care for my children, family members and/or others without difficulty. Employees will be able to manage their caring responsibilities if they return to the workplace.
Vulnerability I am confident that returning to the workplace does not put my family and/or others in my home environment at risk. Employees will not be significantly concerned about their family or co-dwellers’ welfare if they return to the workplace.
Open Text What concerns or personal considerations do you have about returning to the workplace? Asked to understand the concerns and considerations employees have when thinking about returning to the workplace.

Workplace Preference

The Workplace Preference dimension explores how your team feels about returning to the workplace and their preference for location of work and ways of working.

The Workplace Preference dimension is made up of the indicators: LocationWays of WorkingProductivity and an open-text question.

Indicator Question  Rationale
Location When thinking about primary work location, I would prefer to be based at the workplace for the foreseeable future. Employees would welcome a return to the workplace, as they prefer it as a working location.
Ways of Working {Our organisation} maintains better ways of working in the workplace. Employees feel like the organisation is more successful when everyone is based in the workplace.
Productivity I feel more productive when I am in the workplace compared to when I work from home. Employees feel that being based in the workplace makes them more productive, compared to working remotely.
Open Text When thinking about where and how you work, what is important to you? Asked to understand which considerations matter to employees when they think about where and how they work.
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