Inclusion Deep Dive Surveys


Qlearsite’s Inclusion Deep Dive is most effective following an Organisational Fitness survey or in anticipation of a business transformation. Use the Inclusion survey to understand how included people feel in the workplace. Listen to the lived experiences of your employees, to learn how to make your organisation more accepting.

From this survey, you’ll get a clear view of how people feel about inclusion – identifying areas to improve, and if any groups feel excluded. This Deep Dive survey provides an overall Inclusion score based positive responses to 12 key questions. Action planning is supported by sentiment analysis on responses to open text questions

How the survey is scored

This Deep Dive survey addresses four criteria of Inclusion:

1. Safety & Access,

2. Trust & Fairness,

3. Acceptance, and

4. Belonging.

Through inclusion in these four key dimensions, you will be able to enable and empower each other and build to be successful in our roles and to build high-performing teams and a successful business.

Asking 12 questions on a 5-point Likert scale, from strongly agree to strongly disagree, this Deep Dive first finds each survey respondents’ total score. This is based on the proportion of positive answers (‘agree’ and ‘strongly agree’). Combining these scores, the average over all respondents is calculated, deriving the overall Inclusion score.

This survey also contains four open-text questions, to understand and add context to the scores and support your findings.

Introductory Text

In this survey, we’ll ask you about 4 core areas of inclusion - from how safe you feel, to whether you feel connected to your colleagues and manager. This will help us understand how inclusive we are as a business and guide our next steps - with the aim of making {our organisation} a better place to work.

Safety & Access

The Safety & Access dimension of Inclusion explores how your team experiences work – specifically around safety, access, and appropriate behaviour from colleagues. This relates to the working environment, and how your team treats each other. The Safety & Access dimension is made up of the indicators: Accessible, Safety, Appropriate and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Accessible Everybody in {our organisation} can gain access to resources and facilities. Most basic form of inclusion is equal free, unhindered movement within common areas and access to all facilities or resources.
Safety I never feel unsafe at work. The feeling of safety incorporates a measure of both the realised and perceived danger of workplaces.
Appropriate My colleagues behave appropriately at work and handle difficult personal situations with sensitivity. Measures colleagues’ perceptions of each other’s behaviours and whether interpersonal interaction is always well judged.
Open Text Can you describe a time when you felt uncomfortable or witnessed something inappropriate at work – what happened? Allows for people to answer “No” but also captures feedback on behaviours that inhibit inclusion but fall below disciplinary level.

Trust & Fairness

The Trust & Fairness dimension of Inclusion helps you know if you trust your team to support you through their actions, especially in times of need, and if everyone receives fair and equal treatment.

The Trust & Fairness dimension is made up of the indicators: Process, Leadership, Opportunity and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Process I am confident that if I raised a personal issue or complaint that {our organisation} would take appropriate and timely actions. Tests if internal institutions, especially those tasked with delicate remediating actions, have a reputation for fair, even-handedness.
Leadership I trust the leaders of {our organisation} to stand up for and do what is right. Looks to understand the level of trust in leadership, especially whether their actions are aligned to statements of values.
Opportunity I believe opportunities and recognition are distributed equitably to everyone, no matter who they are. Establishes if the ability to access opportunity is considered unbiased and freely open to all participants, regardless of identity.
Open Text Which processes or policies of {our organisation} could be improved to be fairer and more equitable? Please describe below. Looks for specific processes that have been called out as unfair and asks for substantiating proof points to validate the concerns.


The Acceptance dimension monitors if your team feels like part of a community. Do your employees have the support they need to be successful? Are everyone’s needs considered? Do they feel connected to their colleagues and managers?

The Acceptance dimension is made up of the indicators: Success, Support, Community and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Success I believe that everyone, no matter who they are, can be successful at {our organisation}. Ability to succeed is perceived as being completely open, neither biased nor predicated on belonging to a particular group.
Support {Our organisation} has initiatives that help me feel part of a connected community of colleagues. Organisation actively invests to create connections for all people and takes proactive measures to ensure people find community.
Community Events at {our organisation} consider the different needs and requirements of all members of our community. Occasions and workplace activities are thoughtfully planned and considerate of everyone so that they can fully participate in all elements.
Open Text When talking to friends or family, how do you describe your relationship with your line manager and colleagues? Identifies the micro-cultures that can exist in teams and informs potential actions for managers to focus on within their teams.


The Belonging dimension establishes if your employees feel like they belong in the organisation. Are their opinions and experiences valued and do they feel that everyone’s differences are openly celebrated?

The Belonging dimension is made up of the indicators: Celebrated, Valued, Connected and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale

{Our organisation} celebrates and embraces people’s differences.

Beyond acceptance, diversity is seen as a strength and that all forms of identity are openly applauded as being positive.
Valued My opinions are valued in the workplace.

Checks to ensure that tokenism is not present in organisations and that there is a feeling of genuine worth within individuals.

Connected I feel like I belong at {our organisation}. High level question to capture the overall sense of belonging in the organisation, provides a measure of emotional connection.
Open Text What one thing should {our organisation} do to make you feel more welcome or included? Allows for people to answer “No” but also captures feedback on behaviours that inhibit inclusion but fall below disciplinary level.
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