Innovation Deep Dive Survey

Use the Innovation Deep Dive survey to understand if people feel they have the freedom to innovate, and if the ideation and delivery of innovation is supported and prioritised in your organisation.

When to use this survey

• If you’re trying to grow and haven’t quite got it right yet

• When planning a new strategic direction

• When teams aren’t achieving their performance targets

• If you have encountered a low Innovation Score in your Organisational Fitness matrix

How the survey is scored

This Deep Dive survey addresses four criteria of Innovation:

  1. Ideation
  2. Investment
  3. Delivery and
  4. Sustaining

By listening to your employees along these key dimensions, you will be able to uncover the detailed specifics of innovation-related issues in your organisation.

Asking 12 questions on a 5-point Likert scale, from strongly agree to strongly disagree, this Deep Dive first finds each survey respondents’ total score. This is based on the proportion of positive answers (‘agree’ and ‘strongly agree’). Combining these scores, the average over all respondents is calculated, deriving the overall Innovation score.

This survey also contains four open-text questions, to understand and add context to the scores and support your findings.

Introductory Text

In this survey, we’ll ask you about 4 core areas of innovation - from how effectively we deliver change to whether you feel encouraged to innovate. This will help us understand the working experience within {our organisation} and guide our next steps - with the aim of making {our organisation} a better place to work.


The Ideation dimension of Innovation explores how it’s encouraged by leaders – from the sharing of ideas across teams, to looking externally for inspiration.

The Ideation dimension is made up of the indicators: Internal Sharing, Leadership Support, External Sharing and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Internal Sharing

We have opportunities to learn how other teams do their work, so we can get ideas about how to improve.

There is internal idea sharing across different teams in the organisation.

Leadership Support Our leadership encourages everyone to think differently and find ways to improve. There is support for people in the organisation finding new and better ways of doing things.
External Sharing

We learn from other organisations and incorporate good ideas into our ways of working.

The organisation looks externally for new and better ways of doing things.
Open Text Please describe how your manager supports you to develop new and improved ways of doing things. Asked in order to gather top of mind thoughts on how managers are supporting innovation.


The Investment dimension of Innovation explores how your organisation moves forward with new ideas. Is there a good pace of change, and are your teams given the support and space they need to innovate?

The Investment dimension is made up of the indicators: Commitment, Persistence, Culture and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Commitment We are quick to apply resources (people, money, time) to new ideas that will drive future success. The organisation supports improvement ideas by providing relevant resources.
Persistence We trial new ideas and ways of working even though some of our initiatives may not succeed. The organisation does not let potential failure get in the way of trying new ways of working.
Culture We take time out from our daily work to learn from each other and find ways to improve. The organisation culture allows people to take the time out of their daily routine to innovate.
Open Text Think back to a new idea or way of working that was trialled but did not succeed. What were the lessons learned? Asked in order to gather top of mind thoughts on how the organisation learns from failures.


The Delivery dimension of Innovation explores how effectively do your organisation delivers change. Does your organisation explain the reasons behind changes being made, and the impact they’ll have?

The Delivery dimension is made up of the indicators: Change Management, Change Awareness, Alignment/Rationale and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Change Management When we make changes they are well managed and implemented smoothly. The organisation is able to implement change initiatives smoothly.
Change Awareness People are made aware of any changes that directly impact their work. Communications regarding the changes impacting people are well managed in the organisation.
Alignment/Rationale I understand the reasons for most changes, the benefits and why changes are important for {our organisation}. People in the organisation understand the underlying reasons and benefits from changes that are implemented.
Open Text Please describe a recent change that was successfully implemented. What went well? Asked in order to gather examples of what the organisation does well in terms of successful change implementation.


The Sustaining dimension of Innovation explores how the impact of change measured, and if your team is given a chance to provide feedback.

The Sustaining dimension is made up of the indicators: Feedback, Benefits, Pace and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Feedback When a change is made, there are opportunities to give feedback on any issues we might experience as a result. The organisation welcomes feedback on any changes that are implemented.

After a change is made, we get updates about the outcomes and benefits.

The organisation keeps employees up to date on the outcomes and benefits of the implemented change.
Pace In the last year, the pace of change is manageable and does not cause significant disruption to our work. The organisation implements changes at a pace that is manageable for employees.
Open Text Thinking back to the previous question about the pace of change, please explain your answer. Asked in order to gather top of mind thoughts on the pace of change.
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