Knowledge Deep Dive Survey

Use the Knowledge Deep Dive survey to understand how effectively knowledge is shared, according to your employees, and whether they have the resources and training they need. Learning and development is not just about budgets for external training. It’s about how you share knowledge. From this deep dive survey, you’ll get a clear view of whether you’re making the most of collective knowledge – and how you can better support employee learning.

When to use this survey

• If another survey showed this as an area for improvement

• When considering launching a learning & development programme

• Before or after a period of employee training

• If you have encountered a low Knowledge Score in your Organisational Fitness matrix

How the survey is scored

This Deep Dive survey addresses four areas of Knowledge:

  1. Resources
  2. Formal Training
  3. External Knowledge and
  4. Internal Knowledge

By listening to your employees along these key dimensions, you will be able to uncover the detailed specifics of knowledge-related issues in your organisation.

Asking 12 questions on a 5-point Likert scale, from strongly agree to strongly disagree, this Deep Dive first finds each survey respondents’ total score. This is based on the proportion of positive answers (‘agree’ and ‘strongly agree’). Combining these scores, the average over all respondents is calculated, deriving the overall Knowledge score.

This survey also contains four open-text questions, to understand and add context to the scores and support your findings.

Introductory Text

At {our organisation}, we want to make sure that our employees can access the collective knowledge of the organisation - so everyone can succeed in their role. We want to know if people and teams are sharing their expertise and growing their capabilities.


The Resources dimension of Knowledge helps you learn about resources and whether they’re available, relevant and used by employees.

The Resources dimension is made up of the indicators: Awareness, Relevant, Self-Directed and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Awareness I know where to find relevant resources to help build my knowledge and development. Employees can access the resources they need to improve their knowledge, and develop their skills.
Relevant The resources are regularly updated to stay relevant. Resources shared across the organisation are regularly monitored, reviewed, and updated.
Self-Directed I often take advantage of the resources available in {our organisation}. Employees proactively find and use the resources made available to them by the organisation.
Open Text Which additional resources can we provide to improve your knowledge? Asked to understand if there are any other resources employees could use to improve their knowledge.

Formal Training

The Formal Training dimension of Knowledge informs you about formal training and how it can be improved in your organisation. Is training made available to your employees, and is it valuable to their day-to-day role?

The Formal Training dimension is made up of the indicators: Opportunity, Effective, Applicable and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Opportunity I have opportunities to take part in training programmes. Employees can attend the training programmes they need to improve their knowledge, and develop their skills.
Effective I have gained relevant and useful knowledge through training programmes that I’ve taken part in. Employees feel that the training programmes made available to them are beneficial and valuable.
Applicable I am able to put what I have learned in training programmes into my day-to-day role. Employees can use the knowledge they’ve gained from training programmes in their day-to-day roles.
Open Text How can we improve formal training? Asked to understand what can be done to improve formal training.

External Knowledge

The External Knowledge dimension of Knowledge tells you about external knowledge, and how easily you can access it. Is there any information outside of your organisation it would be useful to have?

The External Knowledge dimension is made up of the indicators: Informed, External, Accessibility and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Informed I am informed about changes in our industry that affect my day-to-day work. Employees are made aware of updates in their relevant industry, with this information shared effectively across the organisation.
External I have the opportunity to attend external events when needed. Employees are given the opportunity to attend relevant events outside of the organisation that help to build their skills or knowledge.
Accessibility I am able to access information outside {our organisation} that I need in order to do my role. Employees can freely access information outside of the organisation, and aren’t blocked by any technical restrictions.
Open Text What information outside of {our organisation} do you need more of in order to help you in your role? Asked to understand what external information the organisation could provide to employees that they don’t currently have access to.

Internal Knowledge

The Internal Knowledge dimension lets you know about internal knowledge and how it’s shared across your organisation. Do your employees learn from their colleagues? Can knowledge sharing be improved?

The Internal Knowledge dimension is made up of the indicators: Coaching, Practice Sharing, Colleagues and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Coaching There are opportunities for coaching at {our organisation}. Employees have access to the coaching opportunities they need to improve their knowledge and development.
Practice Sharing Colleagues in {our organisation} are good at sharing best practice. Employees actively and willingly share best practice with their colleagues, and feel colleagues do the same with them.
Colleagues I learn from my colleagues. Employees feel like their colleagues share their knowledge and skills with them, so everyone learns from each other.
Open Text How can we improve knowledge sharing as an organisation? Asked to understand how knowledge can be shared more effectively across the organisation.
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