Listening Deep Dive Survey

Use the Listening Deep Dive survey to understand if your people feel heard. This includes how often you ask for feedback, and if they recognise that their concerns are responded to. From this survey, you’ll get a clear view of how your listening strategy is perceived – and how you can act on feedback more effectively.

When to use this survey

• If another survey showed this as an area for improvement

• When preparing for fast growth

• To learn how to increase response rates

• Help managers use feedback to improve

• If you have encountered a low Listening Score in your Organisational Fitness matrix or you are noticing a downward trend in the Listening indicator

How the survey is scored

This Deep Dive survey addresses four criteria of Listening indicator:

  1. Feedback
  2. Organisational Surveys
  3. Action and
  4. Conflict & Challenges

By listening to your employees along these key dimensions, you will understand if people feel they are in the position to take appropriate actions.

Asking 12 questions on a 5-point Likert scale, from strongly agree to strongly disagree, this Deep Dive first finds each survey respondents’ total score. This is based on the proportion of positive answers (‘agree’ and ‘strongly agree’). Accordingly, by combining these scores, the average over all respondents is calculated, deriving the overall Listening score.

This survey also contains four open-text questions, to understand and add context to the scores and support your findings.

Introductory Text

In this survey, we’ll ask you about 4 core areas of listening - from how we act on feedback, to whether you have the opportunity to share your views. This will help us understand how well we listen as a business, and guide our next steps - with the aim of making {our organisation} a better place to work.


The Feedback dimension of Empowerment explores how your employees feel about the feedback they receive, and if they’re able to have conversations with their managers and teams about how best to work together.

The Feedback dimension is made up of the indicators: Personal, Upward, Team and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Personal I have regular conversations with my manager regarding my performance. Conversations regarding performance are happening frequently between people and their managers. People always know their strengths and development areas.
Upward I feel able to share honest feedback with my manager. People feel comfortable sharing their views with their manager. Managers are getting information about what is and isn’t working and are acting on it accordingly.
Team Our team regularly discusses how we can work better together. The unique strengths of the individuals within a team are used to their best advantage. Teams are more productive than just the sum of their parts.
Open Text Could you describe a recent conversation you had about your performance. How well was it handled? Asked in order to capture top of mind thoughts about how feedback conversations usually are managed in the company.

Organisational Surveys

The Organisational Surveys dimension informs you about how good your organisation is at asking for feedback. Are the questions you ask important and relevant to your employees, and how regularly do you gather your feedback?

The Organisational Surveys dimension is made up of the indicators: Regular/Timely, Meaningful Questions, Coverage and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Regular/Timely I have the opportunity to share my views on {our organisation} regularly. Organisational feedback is collected frequently and at intervals large enough to ensure actions have made a measurable difference.
Meaningful Questions {Our organisation} surveys generally asks meaningful questions. People interpret the questions in the same way, understand what is being asked of them and can answer easily.

{Our organisation} surveys do not ignore topics that are important to me.

Organisational surveys cover all areas that employees care about.
Open Text How do you feel about the {employee} survey process? Please explain your answer. Asked in order to capture top of mind thoughts about the organisational survey.


The Action dimension helps you to know if your employees feel your organisation acts on your feedback. Are the next steps clear, and do the survey results to drive real change?

The Action dimension is made up of the indicators: Trust in Action, Inclusive Change, Acknowledge Change and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Trust in Action I believe positive actions will take place as a result of this survey. There is a high level of trust that organisational changes will be implemented on the survey results.
Inclusive Change Our team was able to discuss the last {employee} survey results and understand the implications for us. Teams are given time and space to discuss, reflect and digest the main findings and are brought along with any subsequent change that is implemented.
Acknowledge Change I have seen positive changes taking place based on previous {employee} survey results. There is visibility of the actions that are taken and the positive benefits are realised throughout the company.
Open Text Please describe one positive change that has been made, based on the {employee} survey results. Asked in order to capture top of mind thoughts about actions that have been implemented following an organisational survey.

Conflict & Challenges

The Conflict & Challenges dimension helps you understand how well your organisation resolves conflict. You will be able to tell if your employees feel they can report disputes without hesitation, and if they are dealt with in a professional and respectful manner.

The Conflict & Challenges dimension is made up of the indicators: Whistleblowing, Disputes with Organisation, Disputes with Manager, and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Whistleblowing I can report instances of unethical behaviour without fear of retribution from anyone. People feel safe to raise concerns, challenges or grievances without there being any negative repercussions.
Disputes with Organisation When disputes or issues arise at work, there are ways for us to raise them to the attention of senior leaders. Disagreements and disputes are brought to the surface, dealt with and moved on from. Senior leaders are aware of issues arising in their company.
Disputes with Manager If I have a personal issue with my manager, I feel confident it would be dealt with in a professional and respectful manner. People feel safe to raise concerns regarding issues with their manager. Issues are resolved thoughtfully and moved on from.
Open Text What could make it easier for people to raise disputes in {our organisation}? Asked in order to capture top of mind thoughts about disputes and issues are dealt with in the company.
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