Role Fit Deep Dive Survey

Use the Role Fit Deep Dive survey to understand if people understand their roles and responsibilities, have the skills they need to succeed, and are supported to fulfil their tasks. From this survey, you’ll get a clear view of how well you match employees to their roles – in terms of them having the right capabilities and strengths.

When to use this survey

• Before entering your next hiring period

• When revising your people strategy

• If considering a personnel restructure

• If you have encountered a low Role Fit Score in your Organisational Fitness matrix or you are noticing a downward trend in the Role Fit indicator

How the survey is scored

This Deep Dive survey addresses four criteria of Role Fit indicator:

  1. Expectations
  2. Strengths
  3. Capability and
  4. Support

By listening to your employees along these key dimensions, you will understand if people feel they are in the right roles in your organisation.

Asking 12 questions on a 5-point Likert scale, from strongly agree to strongly disagree, this Deep Dive first finds each survey respondents’ total score. This is based on the proportion of positive answers (‘agree’ and ‘strongly agree’). Accordingly, by combining these scores, the average over all respondents is calculated, deriving the overall Role Fit score.

This survey also contains four open-text questions, to understand and add context to the scores and support your findings.

Introductory Text

At {our organisation}, we want to know if people feel their skills and natural talents fit well with their role. It's important to understand if our employees feel their responsibilities align with their current capabilities and that they're able to get the job done.


The Expectations dimension of Role Fit explores if your employees about the expectations of their job, and how their roles contributes to the bigger picture.

The Expectations dimension is made up of the indicators: Alignment, Understanding, Organisation and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Alignment My current role and daily tasks match the job description.

Employees feel their job description accurately matches the reality of the job.

Understanding I understand what is expected of me at work every day.

Employees know what is expected of them in terms of work output.


I understand how my role contributes to the wider organisation.

Employees understand how their role impacts and fits in with the rest of the organisation.
Open Text What could {our organisation} do to set better expectations of what is required in your role? Asked to understand how the organisation can be clearer about its expectations for employees’ work output.


The Strengths dimension informs you of your organisational strengths, and level of ownership. This indicator helps gather what employees feel are your organisational strengths. These identified items outline potential areas to build on.

The Strengths dimension is made up of the indicators: Opportunity, Effective, Applicable and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Opportunity I am encouraged to take ownership in the way I approach my work. Employees feel they are encouraged to take ownership of their work.
Effective My role gives me the opportunity to play to my strengths. Employees have the chance to make the most of their strengths.
Applicable I have the opportunity to build on my strengths in this role. Employees are given opportunities to further develop their strengths.
Open Text To what extent do you feel that you can shape your day-to-day role? Asked to understand how much control employees feel they have over their role.


The Capability dimension helps you to know more about your organisation’s technical capabilities. This measure also shows if your employees feel they are able to work independently, and what opportunities they identify to develop their skills further.

The Capability dimension is made up of the indicators: Competent, Independent, Development and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale

I feel competent in my role. .

Employees feel qualified to do their job, and positive about their performance
Independent Most of the time, I don’t need to ask for help in my role. Employees can work independently, and don’t require much guidance.
Development I have opportunities to develop my skills. Employees are given opportunities to further develop their skills.
Open Text What more could {our organisation} do to help you to develop in your role? Asked to understand how the organisation can support the development of its employees.


The Support dimension helps you understand how your work environment fit everyone’s needs. Do your employees feel they can work effectively in the space provided, and the atmosphere we’ve created?

The Support dimension is made up of the indicators: Resources, Manager, Progression, and an open-text question.

Indicator Question Rationale
Resources There are sufficient resources available to help me get my job done. Employees have the resources they need to fulfil the responsibilities of their role.
Manager My manager actively helps me succeed in my role. Managers give their employees the support they need to do their jobs and be successful.
Progression There is support available to help me progress in my career. Employees are given the opportunities and support they need to progress in their career.
Open Text What support could be provided to help you succeed in your role? Asked to understand how the organisation can help its employees succeed in their role.
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