Insight Scan Survey

Combining Organisational Fitness and Engagement, along with eNPS, get actionable insight into what motivates your teams and why people remain or leave your organisation.

The Insight Scan survey is a great first survey to run with your organisation. It will create a baseline across many key areas.

This survey measures engagement in your organisation – focusing on 4 core areas of engagement; Advocate, Adapt, Persist and Lead. It also has three additional traditional measures that can be used to enable continuity of measure for organisations with a long-standing, trusted and proven approach to engagement surveying. This survey also gathers Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) data, so that you can understand if your staff would recommend your organisation as a place of employment.

Using your scores in these areas, and any open-text feedback, we show you how engaged your people feel – and where you should focus.

When to use this survey

There is no specific time recommended to use this survey. It is Qlearsite’s most comprehensive survey template, so it is most suitable for annual use, in combination with Deep Dive surveys. Continual measuring is recommended, during or after big changes and events such as a restructuring is a good time to measure engagement to understand the workforce in greater detail. Other considerations are:

  • When you start with Qlearsite, and need to establish baselines 
  • If you’re new to collecting employee feedback
  • When it’s been over a year since your last survey
  • Before revising your people strategy

How the survey is scored

The Engagement section of this survey asks four engagement questions on a 5-point Likert scale, from strongly agree to strongly disagree. From this data, each survey respondents’ total score is tabulated. This is based on the proportion of positive answers (‘agree’ and ‘strongly agree’). Combining these scores, the overall Engagement score for the organisation is calculated.

The survey also asks 16 questions relating to the Qlearsite Organisational Fitness framework. 

Qlearsite Organisational Fitness Matrix


The Governance Value Driver helps you gather information about your organisation}’s values, and if they’re reflected in your policies and procedures. This information lets you see how your employees feel about guidelines in place, your organisation’s strategy, and how people behave.

The Governance Value Driver is made up of the indicators: InclusionDecision MakingPurpose & Values and an Experience.

Indicator Question  Rationale
Inclusion I work in an environment where everyone can feel included, respected and accepted for ‘who they are’. Everyone can be their authentic selves at work and feels they work in a fair, meritocratic environment.
Decision Making We take actions and make everyday decisions that are consistent with our strategy and long term goals. Decisions are made with consistency, aligned to strategy and made with clear rationale that is understood by all.
Purpose & Values {Our organisation} sets goals that are important, meaningful and help keep me motivated. Actions ‘on the ground’ and people’s behaviours are consistent with a shared set of organisation values.
Experience My knowledge, skills and expertise are respected, recognised and fairly rewarded. Workplaces are a considered environment with HR and functions creating a positive career experience.


The Enablement Value Driver tells you whether your employees feel supported at work. This means having the right tools or skills to do your job, having a

manager who encourages you to succeed, or being part of a team that works well together.

The Enablement dimension is made up of the indicators: CollaborationToolsSupport and Role Fit.

Indicator Question  Rationale
Collaboration {Our organisation} is an effective team that works well together and we help each other when needed. Teams help and support each other, understanding their respective objectives and communicate to prioritise collective tasks.
Tools Our tools, systems and processes make my working life easier and set me up for success. Processes and technology are efficient and well designed to facilitate the tasks and activities required of teams/individuals
Support I feel that my manager is supportive of me and encourages me to succeed in my role. Managers are facilitators who clarify and communicate effectively to resolve issues or improve outcomes for each team member.
Role Fit My skills and talents fit well with my role and I feel able to get the job done. Individuals have responsibilities that match capabilities. Everyone is appropriately skilled to be successful, now and in the future.


The Agility Value Driver provides insight about how your employees feel our company adapts well to change. Are you trusted to take action when you need to, and do we have the right approach and knowledge to meet our customers’ changing needs? 

Agility is made up of the indicators: InnovationKnowledgeCustomer, and Empowerment.

Indicator Question  Rationale
Innovation We welcome change and are able to adapt and innovate quickly whenever needed. People are able to identify issues, share ideas and ideas for ‘change’ are tested and results of trials are shared openly
Knowledge People and teams often share expertise, experience and relevant knowledge amongst each other. Collective knowledge of the organisation can be accessed and employee capabilities are proactively developed.
Customer We understand all of our {customers} and are able to meet their different needs and expectations. Needs of the customer are prioritised and their special or changing circumstances are well understood and services adapt suitably
Empowerment When faced with a difficult situation at work, I feel trusted to exercise my judgement and make appropriate decisions. People are able to act with confidence, knowing their role and the boundaries they should operate within.


The Visibility Value Driver measures how well your employees feel your organisation communicates. Do they feel heard, and do leaders and managers share relevant updates, changes, and priorities with them to keep them connected?

Visibility is made up of the indicators: Transparency, CommunicationsLeadership, and Listening.

Indicator Question  Rationale
Transparency Within our team, we talk openly and transparently about both the challenges we face and our successes. Recognise contributions of teams and individuals. Challenges raised in feedback are discussed openly and reflected in priorities.
Communications I get the information I need about changes in priorities and broader goals in order to do my job well. People know objectives of the organisation, priorities are clear and progress on goals is shared concisely and regularly.

Leaders in {our organisation} are connected to the daily reality of our {business} and

respond appropriately.

People feel their leader understands their roles, their challenges and is visibly connected to the daily reality of the organisation.
Listening There are opportunities to give genuine feedback and I feel like my voice is heard. Views are shared openly and employee voice is respected, listened to and actions are taken on legitimate concerns

Your Voice

The Your Voice questions allow you to hear from your employees in their own words. This is their chance to be honest about what’s going well, what can be improved, and how they feel about your organisation. 

Your Voice is made up of the indicators: Change, Hero, and Culture.

Indicator Question  Rationale
Change Can you think of a change – small or large – that would make {our organisation} fairer, better or give your everyday work more meaning? Opportunity to share ideas for change initiatives without limitation so that change initiatives can be discovered or contextualised.
Hero Think of someone you see as a role model at {our organisation}. What characteristics do you admire in them? Measure of the actual ideals present in the organisation and enables comparison with value statements set by the organisation.
Culture What do you tell your friends and family about what it is like to work at {our organisation}. Identifies the behaviours and characteristics of everyday work that shapes culture and states reality of employer brand.


The Engagement questions let your employees talk about their experience of work. This information helps you gauge if your organisation’s people are enthused,

proactive and positive.

Engagement is made up of the indicators: Adapt, LeadPersist, Contribute, Stay, and Pride.

Indicator Question  Rationale
Adapt I am motivated to respond to the changing needs of {our organisation}. Opportunity to share ideas for change initiatives without limitation so that change initiatives can be discovered or contextualised.
Lead {Our organisation} inspires me to be proactive and take the initiative. Measure of the actual ideals present in the organisation and enables comparison with value statements set by the organisation.
Persist At {Our organisation}, I feel motivated to persevere to find solutions to challenges. Identifies the behaviours and characteristics of everyday work that shapes culture and states reality of employer brand.
Contribute {Our organisation} inspires me to contribute more and do my best work every day. Individuals give their best efforts, whether doing tasks inside or outside of their core job description.
Stay I plan to still be working at {our organisation} in 12 month time. Individuals want to forge a long-term career at the organisation and are not tempted by other employers
Pride I am proud to work for {this organisation}. Individuals take pride in their work, achievements and goals of the organisation.


eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) is a method of measuring how employees rate their employers by selecting a value between 0 and 10.

eNPS scores are based on responses to the statement:

On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend this organisation as a place to work?

The percentage of promoters minus the percentage of detractors calculates the eNPS score.

% Promoters – % Detractors

When analysing eNPS scores, respondents fall into three categories: PromotersPassives and Detractors.

Promoters are individuals who have responded with a 9 or 10 value, and detractors have responded with a score of 0 to 6Passives are those that score 7 or 8.

In the Insights modules, eNPS scores range from -100 to 100. (Consequently, if you scored -100, every employee would be a Detractor, whereas a score of +100 would mean every employee is a Promoter).

Find out more about eNPS scoring

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