Compensation IQ - Release Notes for 2024

Absence Context

23 February 2024

The new Absence context and benchmark is now live for all 'Pro' and 'Experience' customers. You need to have integrated with your HR platform in order to see the data and benchmarks,

Absence means you can get an indication of the team's physical health and resilience which is inversely related to feelings of burnout and stress, or potential disengagement from your mission and purpose.

The first metrics to be added are:

  1. Average days sick, which includes a Qlearsite benchmark
  2. Total days sick

The metric 'Average Days Sick' measures the average number of days of sickness across the organization, or selected group of people. It is calculated as the sum of sickness days taken, divided by the number of people employed in the selected time period.

More 'Absence' related metrics to follow.

Question Bank

12 February 2024

Our Question Bank is now live for all customers and comprises all the individual questions from the Organisational Fitness framework in one easy to use way during survey design.

  • Covers 300 questions from across all our scans and deep dives
  • Search by topic or by text
  • Available whenever you add a question to a templated or custom design (QB questions can only be added once per survey)

Gender Information

2 February 2024

The metric 'Female Gender Ratio' and it's benchmark, by industry, is now available as a metric within the Organisation Composition context to help our users with this key DEI metric. It is calculated as the ratio of people with gender = female, divided by the the sum of people with gender = (female + male).

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