Metric Definitions


The metric 'Leavers' measures the number of people who have left the organization, or selected group of people. It is calculated as the count of people with a leaving date in your selected time period (leaving dates falling on the start and end dates of the period are included).

Attrition Rate

The metric 'Attrition Rate' measures the rate at which people are leaving the organization, or selected group of people, over a period of time. It is calculated as the count of leavers over the last 3 months divided by the average number of people in the organisation. At Qlearsite, we calculate the average number of people as the average of headcount at each monthly interval during the 3 month window.  The time series displays this metric as a rolling 3-month window, meaning the rate at each month is the attrition rate % for the previous 3 months.


The metric 'Joiners' measures the number of people who are joining your organization, or selected group of people. It is calculated as the count of people with a start date in your selected time period (joining dates falling on the start and end dates of the period are included).

Current Headcount

The metric 'Current Headcount' measures the number of people in your organization, or selected group of people, at each point during the selected time period. It is calculated as the count of people who are 'active' (have not left).

Female Gender Ratio

The metric 'Female Gender Ratio' measures the ratio of females in your organization, or selected group of people. It is calculated as the count of active people with gender = 'female', divided by the count of people with gender = (female + male).

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