Creating Actions

Recording your own insights when analysing survey results is an important activity. Qlearsite allows you to capture a view, along with the filter conditions that determine the view with the Actions feature. 

Record actions and observations within the context of surveys, and share Actions with other users. This can be a helpful way to communicate observations and facilitate organisational initiatives.

To capture an Action

Qlearsite Actions
Click the 'plus' icon to add an action
  1. Select the Add an action button from a widget in the Results view.
  2. The Add an action modal will pop up.
    1. The Add an action modal contains an image thumbnail of the captured widget
    2. The modal also shows the filter state at the time of capture, including the hierarchy configuration.
    3. Give your Action a Title.
    4. Add any other Action note text.
    5. Click the Save button.
      1. If you select Cancel, the Add an action process will be discontinued.

To view an Action

  1. Select the Survey of interest in Insights.
  2. Open the Actions view.
  3. View the Action of choice. 

Note – If you do not have any Actions for the survey yet, you will see the instruction screen:

To edit an Action

Note – You can only edit Actions that you have created

  1. Open the Actions view in Insights.
  2. Scroll to the Action you wish to edit.
  3. Select the Edit button.
  4. The Edit action modal will open.
  5. Make the necessary changes to the Title and Action Note fields.
    • To format in Bold text, use CTRL + B on your keyboard (Command + B on Mac).
    • To format in Italic text, use CTRL + I on your keyboard (Command + I on Mac).
    • To format in Underlined text, use CTRIL + U on your keyboard (Command + U on Mac).
  6. Select Save.
    1. If you select Cancel, the Edit process will be discontinued.

To delete an Action

Note – You can only delete Actions that you have created

  1. Open the Actions view in Insights.
  2. Scroll to the Action you wish to delete.
  3. Select the Delete button.
  4. Confirm deletion.
    1. If you select Cancel, the deletion process will be abandoned.

Copying from Actions

Copy images and text for pasting in other applications. 

  1. Open the Actions view in Insights.
  2. Scroll to the Action you wish to copy from.
  3. To copy an image:
    1. Right-click on the image thumbnail and select Copy image.

Note –The image may appear compressed in the Actions view, but copying will always use the full resolution image.

  1. To copy the Action title or Action note text
    1. Select the text to copy.
    2. Either right-click and select Copy or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + C (Command C on Mac) to copy the text to the clipboard.
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