Question Types

Whether you’re using one of Qlearsite’s survey templates or creating a custom survey design, when designing your survey you are able to add questions.  The type of questions you can add are:

  • Text questions
  • Yes/No questions
  • eNPS question
  • Scale questions
  • Select One questions
  • Select Many questions
  • Slider questions
  • Matrix questions

You can also add non-question elements such as Display Text to provide explanatory notes to your survey or Images. Combined Items are also available. This option allows for grouping up elements in your survey design.

All questions used in Qlearsite Framework and templates are based on these question types.




Open-ended text questions require respondents to type their answer into a comment box and don’t provide specific pre-set answer options.

When it comes to analysing responses, open-ended text questions provide qualitative feedback, that are often useful as conversation starters. Allowing your respondents to offer feedback in their own words helps you uncover opportunities that you may have otherwise overlooked.

In the Qlearsite Platform, Text question responses may be viewed individually. These responses are also calculated by  Natural Language Processing tools for sentiment and theme analysis.

Ideally you should pair closed-ended questions with open-ended ones to better understand and provide context to the quantitative survey data.


Yes/No questions are a simplified binary question that are used when a very decisive response is required.

Yes/No questions are also useful for defining attributes. For example the question, “Did you read the new Diverse Workplace policy update?” could be used to define an attribute of “Policy read” in your data.

Select One

Select One questions offer the respondent a list of choices, where they can only select a single answer. For this question type you will have to insert the question in the text box and add at least two answer choices to proceed.

Select One questions are used extensively for Likert scale responses (Strongly Disagree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree).

You can assign a positive outcome to each possible response, and use this to calculate a favorability score.


The eNPS question asks a respondent how likely they are to recommend their organisation as a place of work by selecting between a scale of 0 and 10. eNPS responses can be viewed in the question widget or by referring to the eNPS widget which calculates a score.

For this question type, you will get the most insight by adding it as an additional question to one of Qlearsite’s survey templates.


Scale questions (sometimes referred to as ordinal questions), displays a scale of answer options. The respondent selects the number that most accurately represents their response.

With numerical rating scales, it’s important to give the respondent some context. For instance, imagine you asked the question “How much do you like working at our organisation?” If you don’t explain the value of the numbers on your scale, a numerical rating scale might not make much sense. In the Qlearsite platform, you are able to set the scale between -10 and 10, and edit the labels.

Select Many

Select Many questions offer the respondent a list of choices, where they can select more than one answer.

For this question type you will have to insert the question in the text box and add at least two answer choices to proceed.

Slider Slider questions give respondents a range of options. This gives respondents a chance to evaluate something on a numerical scale. This control is interactive, which can make them fun to answer, and they allow you to quantify respondent sentiment at both an individual and aggregate level.

If you want to ask a few questions in a row that have the same response options, setting up a Matrix question is your best option. A series of scale questions or a series of rating scale questions can work just as well as a matrix question too! In both cases, the responses can be viewed by question in the question widget.

Matrix questions can simplify a lot of content, but it’s important to use them carefully. Very large matrices, can be confusing and difficult to use on mobile devices.

Display Text Display Text is useful for guiding survey respondents. Use Display Text to provide instructions, hints and other information that will make it easier for survey respondents to fill in their information.
Images Use Images to guide users, brand your surveys, and ask direct questions.
Combined Items Combined Items allow you to bring together Display Text, Images and other question types into cohesive groupings. This brings more context and clarity to certain questions.

Does Qlearsite have branching or conditional logic I can use with my own questions?

Our Platform has the ability to use some simple conditional logic to create follow up questions. This is available on the ‘Select One’ and ‘Select Many’ question styles. Once the question has been added, hover over the question and select ‘Add follow up question’.

Branching logic (for example, if you answered ‘Yes’ to Question 3, move to Question 10) is not supported on the Platform. Our Qlearsite Framework templates are designed to be simple, straightforward and applicable to everyone. Furthermore, we have not received feedback from our customers that this is required. If branching logic is essential, we recommend segmenting your audience and designing separate survey experiences for each segment.

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