Getting your Survey Results

Once your survey has closed, your results will be available immediately in the Insights module. You can access the results in a number of ways:

  • clicking the 'Insights' icon in the left toolbar;
  • clicking 'View Results' from within the Summary screen in Survey Management

Once you arrive in Insights, select the distribution you wish to analyze. Note that results are presented by distribution, and you can have many distributions per survey.

When opening up the results for a distribution, you have 5 views available to you:

  1. Overview: a helpful way to see a summary of the main issues surfaced by our predictive models;
  2. Results: an easy-to-use tool to explore all aspects of your data, where you can slice your data anyway you wish just be clicking and filtering by team hierarchy, attributes, themes and indicators;
  3. Table: your results, tabulated, by team hierarchy;
  4. Reports: the starting point for creating new reports, and accessing existing reports, using our simple drag and drop report editor;
  5. Actions: a list of all the actions you record, or have recorded, whilst evaluating your results.
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